Bootcamp Vs The Gym
Many people who join a Bootcamp are already exercisers, some very regular and others not so. Why would Bootcamp give you better, faster results? Consider the following:-
All Worked Out Bootcamp Gym or Health Club Exercising on own Diet/ Slimming Clubs Pills and Supplements
Factors of your success:
Encouragement & motivation YES NO NO Maybe NO
Accountability YES NO NO Maybe NO
Nutrition advice that works YES NO NO Not really NO
Firm, toned muscles YES Maybe Maybe NO NO
Increased Metabolism YES Maybe Maybe NO Maybe
Effective and Fun! YES Unlikely Unlikely NO NO
Lifestyle changes YES Possibly Maybe Possibly NO
Amazing results YES NO NO NO NO
There are a loads of reasons a lot of people don’t get the results they want when they go the gym or to classes or even working out at home to DVDs, despite the promises that come with them. You may have a specially designed gym programme but can’t motivate yourself to complete it 3 times a week and, who will notice if you don’t do it? Only you. You may attend a slimming club and have lost a bit of weight- but generally the weight-loss plateaus or stops after a while and you start to become demoralised and your fitness levels remain the same throughout. You may even have ordered the latest must-have weight-loss supplement from the internet but it’s not delivering on all those promises to help you melt fat away. Why not instead invest a month of your time into something that promises to give you results without counting calories, embarking on starvation diets or spending hours slogging away on a treadmill. Bootcamp workouts can burn up to six hours’ worth of calories in just 45 minutes whilst improving your endurance, reducing stress, increasing flexibility and motivating you with the camaraderie of like-minded people.