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How it works...


Every Camper is offered a free week-long trial. This gives you the opportunity to see what the camps are all about and give you a feel for the types of workouts we do. Each week you will complete three 45 minute workouts, either as part of the ‘Early Bird Camp’, the ‘Off Peak Camp’ or the ‘Evening/Weekend Camp’. You will be given a complete guide to the Camp on your first session which includes nutrition advice, fitness info and general guidelines to help you achieve the best possible results. After your trial week you can then sign up for the remainder of the Camp, paying for just the remaining 3 weeks. You will be asked to take a few basic measurements at the start of the Camp (at home, not in front of other people!) which you can use to compare your results at the end of the first week and at the end of the fourth so you can chart your progress throughout the Camp. Your measurements will of course be confidential but how many people you tell when you take your final measurements will be up to you!


Won't it be a bit cold?


During winter the last thing you will probably want to do is get up at the crack of dawn to exercise outside in -3 degree darkness! That’s why the Camps will be held indoors for the next few months and as soon as the warmth returns the Camps will be moving outside. No freezing toes or frost-bitten noses will be accepted as excuses!


Can I do a free trial at any time?


No, trials places are only available during the first week of each Camp.As each of these Camps is new in January, everyone will  be on a free trial week. From February onwards the trial places will be much more limited. You can only complete one free trial week.



Additional Information

What should I wear?


You should wear comfortable regular work-out gear. As the classes are all indoors for now you won’t need thermal underwear, scarves, waterproofs or a snorkel (!)- just come wearing your comfortable exercise gear and good trainers. 


What should I bring?


As the Camps are taking place in a hall with no refreshment facilities it is important you bring water with you. There is access to the kitchen but we can’t make any promises with regard to the quality of the drinking water. 


You may also like to bring a towel as you may (will!) work up a good sweat during the sessions. 


Mats will be provided but you may prefer to bring your own- this is completely up to you. 


Am I fit enough to take part?


When you book your free trial session you will be sent an email which contains a health questionnaire (PAR-Q). We ask that you complete this and send it back before the Camp starts. If you have a medical condition that will require doctor’s permission then this will be discussed with you before the camp begins. 


In terms of your fitness levels, you don’t need to be physically very fit before starting the Camp. It’s true that if you are new to exercise or haven’t trained for a while you may find it more difficult to start with but you will start to see your fitness levels improve very quickly. You will be encouraged to push yourself to work hard but you will only work within your own parameters and you will never be made to feel left behind.

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